Monday, November 3, 2014

Changes at Walt Disney World

I haven't written lately (over a year I think), and I am going to try to find more time to write. (I know, I know, you've heard that before!) No, really, I mean it. Recently there have been some changes to our Walt Disney World and as all changes are, some are good (I suppose) others not so good. The changes at Epcot, there are four of them, are that at Morroco, Mo'roccan musical show is gone, the Comedy Troupe that entertained guests at United Kingdom and France and brought guests into the show is gone, the Drum and Fife Corps. of red coated patriots is gone at the American pavillion, and to my personal sorrow, Off Kilter Celtic rock band is gone from Canada. Off Kilter has been replaced with a lumberjack act. Also many other changes are happening. There is work going on at Downtown Disney or Disney Springs as it is being renamed. There will be a parking garage, which is currently under construction, a new Starbucks and several more additions in the works. I keep reminding myself (because I'm one of those people that believes that if it ain't broke don't fix it) that what I know and love as Downtown Disney was different at one time and was called Disney Village or the Village. So if I could fall in love with a changed Village, (albeit I never experienced the Village) then I can learn to love the new incarnation of Disney Springs. One thing that I don't think I'll ever get used to is a Starbucks on Main St. at Magic Kingdom. OK, putting one at downtown Disney is one thing, there are name brands everywhere there, but on Main St.? Their logo alone is offensive on Main St. U.S.A. What's next, the Emporium as a Wal-Mart??!! Walt wanted the guest to leave their everyday world and come to a magical one. That is why you get to Magic Kingdom by boat or monorail or bus. The getting there took you from your world and brought you to Walt's world of magic and reminiscing of days gone by. It's also why upon entering the park, you enter a dark tunnel underneath the train station and emerge in the brightness of a new place. There was a movie I saw once starring Christopher Reeve, he goes to an old hotel and sees a painting of a beautiful woman (Jane Seymour) and inquires about time travel because he is infatuated and wants to meet her. A psychologist professor tells him if he can surround himself with items from that world it just might work, but there can be no reminders of the present. So Reeves dresses in period clothes, stays in a room that has been specially decorated for the period and concentrates. He actually makes it back to the era of this woman and meets her and they fall in love until... He reaches in his pocket and finds a coin there. It's a penny left over from someone who rented the costume before him and guess what? He sees the date. A modern date, and there goes the illusion and he's back in the present and eventually wastes away. Same thing with Starbucks on Main St. There goes the illusion Walt tried so hard to give us. Just saying.