Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back To Blogging!

   Well, when last we spoke, I was suspending this blog to work on writing a book called "Protecting the Magic" and well, I thought that writing the blog would take away from time writing the book. Well I'm still writing the book, but can't seem to remember stuff as easily as when I'm blogging. It seems my editor says that he thinks that I'm trying so hard with the book that it's preventing me from relaxing enough to write. Whereas blogging is fun and more informal, he thinks I should blog and use the blog for a sort of outline for working on the book. In short use what I've written to share with you as a launching pad for my memory and add details in the book. Sounds like good advice, besides I really missed this blog. So here we go again!
   I took this picture on a recent research trip for the book to WDW. I was standing by the American Garden Theatre when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. The movement was this majestic Bald Eagle swooping down to land on the flagpole atop the American pavillion across the promenade. I grabbed my camera and took this picture just before the symbol of our nation flew off.
   I recently received a very nice e-mail from a fellow Walt Disney World Security Hostess. (I won't give her name because, quite frankly I'm a gentleman and she hasn't given me permission to do so) but I encourage anyone who has come across our little blog to do so as well.
   I enjoy hearing from cast members (former and present) and Walt Disney World enthusiasts. I guess I view it like the Marines. There are no former Marines. There are no former Security or other cast members. We will always be cast members at heart.
   I'm going back to Walt Disney World on November 10 for another research trip, gathering photos and jogging my memory and keeping an in depth diary for the book as sights and locations trigger more thoughts and memories to add to the book. 29 days and I'm off!!
   I'll be blogging before I leave and while I'm there so until next time, Have a Magical Day!!!

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