Thursday, April 21, 2011

Transitioning to a Career at Walt Disney World

   Hello again, last time I shared how my family and I moved from Methuen, Massachusetts to Kissimmee, Florida after learning that my mom had been diagnosed with cancer.
   The purpose of the move was to be there to help Mom after she beat her cancer. She had had cancer five years before (breast cancer) and had beaten that and I just never considered that she wouldn't beat it this time. I wanted to be there to help her and my stepdad, who were approaching their seventies with whatever they needed to get back to normal.
   It wasn't going to happen. The type and location of her cancer, pancreatic, was too formidable an adversary and as Mother's Day 2003 approached, my mom lost her battle.
   Less than two weeks later, on June 12, 2003, I got the call to report to Disney University on June 16th  for Traditions, the day-long orientation to the Walt Disney Company and Walt Disney the man that all new cast members take.
   One thing you should know: My Mom loved Walt Disney World. She had been a cast member herself after their move to Kissimmee from Salem, New Hampshire and really began to enjoy her "beloved Disney World." Even my stepdad had been a Security Host at WDW after they moved to Kissimmee.
   When my family arrived in Kissimme to start our new life (our house was less than a mile from mom's) Mom and Dad took us to WDW many times. Even as she became thinner and more frail, mom would still make trips to WDW.
   As I drove onto property off of Rheames Road, past the security kiosk (which isn't there anymore) I could see the Disney University building to my right as I pulled into the parking lot. I had a million thoughts running through my mind. Most of them were of my Mom. She would be so happy for me. She was in my thoughts all that day. I could see her in my mind's eye smiling broadly.
   I parked the car and entered the building to begin my career as a WDW cast member. This was going to be great.
   Inside, after we were seated, we saw videos of the history of the Walt Disney Company from Walt's early beginning as an animator to the company as it is today.
   Not everyone in the room were future Security Hosts, everyone who was hired starts with Traditions so there were Food and Beverage, Transportation, Guest Services, Housekeeping and Custodian cast members in attendance.
   After the video we were taught things like How to Indicate Direction: "You never point or indicate direction with a single digit. Always use either an open palm or a two digit point to indicate direction as a single digit point is considered rude or offensive in some cultures."
   OK got it. Two fingers or open palm.
   Then we learned the Disney Dip.
   "If you ever see debris or litter on the ground you should pick it up like this..." The trainer, an attractive young lady proceeded to walk towards a pre-placed article of litter and as fast as you could imagine, dipped from the knees and whooosh, it was gone.
  Got it. The Disney Dip. I'm gonna need to practice that one. I haven't "dipped' like that in... well.. never.
   After an all day session at Traditions I was tired, excited and ready to start my two weeks of Security training that was going to begin on the following Monday. Time to go home and relax by, or maybe in, the pool.
   What two weeks of Security training was like will have to wait until tomorrow, until then: Have a Magical Day!

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